Sunday, November 16, 2008

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Early Monday Morning

Every November, we talk about the Leonid meteor shower, which will peak very early Monday morning. I actually saw a meteor shoot through the sky last week, which was likely part of the Taurids, that peak in early November.

The Leonids go on for the next week, but this year's show is not expected to be anything special. Activity will probably be low, and even if there are outbursts, the Moon will be rather bright and likely get in the way. If you want to take a shot at seeing the Leonids, the best time is between midnight and the beginning of morning twilight. The most active mornings are expected to be Monday and Tuesday. The Leonids originate from the Comet Temple-Tuttle and if you know your sky, you want to look toward the constellation Leo.

The next sky show for meteors will be the Geminids, which peak on December 13th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are we going to get to tread your winter outlook? I always look forward to reading that.